Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Email History: Chareyl Moyes

On Jan 26th, USCIS, DOS, DHS and other agencies hosted a large conference call for the American Families that were trying to get information on how to get their children out of Haiti.
I remember being shocked at some of the situations.  One man's children were in an orphanage in PAP that was run by nuns who shun technology.  He said they didn't have phone or email and he hadn't been able to get anyone to tell him if they even survived the quake.  I remember thinking how lucky we are to have Chareyl, Harry, Abel and Nadia.

One of the other key points they stressed on that call was that there are "so many rumors" out there floating around.  I remember feeling like they kind of chastised the parents for even THINKING about believing the stuff that you hear on the news or the internet that didn't come from an official government source.

This is the email that I sent out to the aliases they provided on the call, explaining what we'd been trying to do and where we had people, etc.  

I am contacting on behalf of Chareyl Moyes of Wasatch International Adoptions who currently is on the ground at Foyer de Sion in Fontamara with 70 orphans evacuated from that orphanage's other locations and from Hope for Little Angels of Haiti.

She turned in all our Humanitarian Parole paperwork to Marie Breme on Friday.  Our families started getting calls from DHS over the weekend and then they stopped when the Haitian announcement was made.

We have made arrangements for these children and the 9 adults accompanying them to return to the USA on a flight dropping off humanitarian supplies on Thursday.

What do we need to do to get these children's paperwork in time for them to be on that plane?

Lori Rosenlof
Hope for Little Angels of Haiti

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