Thursday, January 21, 2010

Good News From Haiti: Family's Adopted Daughter Coming ...

Reported by: Scott Hershberger
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MERCERSBURG, PA - A Franklin County couple spent several days worrying about the fate of their adopted Haitian daughter after the devastating earthquake. Now they're receiving good news amidst the tragedy.

Matt and Julia Maurer decided their fourth child in their family would come from outside the United States.

"We knew we wanted an older child.  We didn't want to adopt an infant." Julia said. "We really wanted to take a child who was older and had less of a chance of getting adopted."

The couple decided on Nathalie, a five-year-old girl living at the Hope for Little Angels Orphanage in Haiti.

Officials told the young girl she had a family waiting for her in America, and the Maurers soon began sending her some proof.

"The first thing she did when she got the first picture book we sent in October of 2008, she opened it up to the picture of my husband and I and kissed the picture," Julia recalls.

In October of last year, Matt made the trip to Haiti to meet his future daughter.

A language barrier got in the way of verbal communication, but the two were able to share their love through the time they spent together.

Matt says, "She was very comfortable to sit and eat.  The first thing we did together was eat lunch.  She got chicken and rice, and I couldn't believe how much she was able to eat."

Nathalie was scheduled to join the Maurers in their Franklin County home this summer, but that came into question when an earthquake hit the country last week.

Their hearts sank, and they spent days waiting to hear if Nathalie had survived the quake, which claimed the lives of thousands of others.

Then the Maurers got good news.  Their daughter is safe and she's on her way to her new home.

"We're more concerned with trying to line those things up for her and just spend a lot of time letting her know that we're not going to leave her.  She's not in a transient place anymore," Julia says.

The family isn't sure when Nathalie will be arriving in the U.S., but they say it could be any day.

The Maurers are also thankful for the tremendous amount of support they've received from family, friends and members of the Mercersburg community since the earthquake took place.

They say their three biological children are excited to meet their new sister.

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