Saturday, January 23, 2010

Email History: Jet Fuel

Excerpts of mails sent in response to fund raising questions:

Yes, that's what the 10K is for.  When I got the call from Chareyl this morning that I needed to find a plane, I started making phone calls.  They told me it would be easier for them to find us a plane if we could defray the costs of jet fuel - $10K.  I didn't want to contact the families because there are already so many who are so worried and upset - I didn't want to throw ANOTHER thing on them to make them feel like this wouldn't come together.

Needless to say, we've got $10K lined up now from corporate and individual donors.  So...  Miracles never cease.  God's hands have been in this all the way through.  I can't even tell you how many things have lined up just right for so many families.

Keep praying!!


We're still trying to raise money for Jet fuel.  We had a couple of local businesses who know us or the other board members personally, that basically said, "For YOU, we'll find $4K" or "for YOU, we'll find $2K", but I happen to know neither of those businesses are doing terribly well, so it would be a burden to them.

If people can donate, please donate. 

the Plan "A" $10K would take a few thousand from the non-profit's funds.  We can do that, because it's all for the children, but any money we spend on jet fuel is that much less to help rebuild for those children left behind.  That's why the Lord woke me up and said, "Sweetie... try Plan B".

I still don't know where we're flying to.  It depends on which of the plane options we're working on works out.  (Beggars can't be choosers, as my mom would say)

It's so crazy to have this all be up in the air, but I have to keep reminding myself that the Lord's timetable isn't my timetable.  As the saying goes, "Things will be alright in the end.  If it's not alright, it's not the end."

Keep praying!


In response to the question, "Is $10K really all that's needed to fuel the plane?"
When we started calling people about planes, we were told that if we could pay for jet fuel, we'd be better able to get someone with a large enough plane to help us out.  I asked how much jet fuel costs and they told me that $10K would be a good start.

That's what we're going from.

We won't know actually fuel costs until we know exactly which plane we're on.

There are lot of factors here.  We have to have the plane's cargo bay filled with humanitarian supplies in order to land in Haiti, so I've been working on coordinating that, etc

We will update you as soon as possible with the flight specifics.

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